Marital disputes are a common feature of our social life. Regrettably, conflicts in the family front often go unmanaged and escalate into full-blown disputes that rock the very foundations of our existence. And what do many do? They resort to judicial proceedings that have the effect of fueling the flames, not to mention the disproportionate cost of litigation, the emotionally-draining and time-consuming court battles from which the parties emerge as losers with nothing but aggravated adversity to show for it. Little do they know that lawyers and judicial officers cannot, by court orders and decrees, prescribe and impose conditions for a happy family life, which is never beyond the reach of the warring disputants.

Premier ADR Consultants work hand-in-hand with marriage mates with strained marital relations on the verge of breakup and separation to resolve their disputes by means of our transformative conflict management and dispute resolution strategies. We help parties salvage, restore and maintain healthy family relationships in a safe and peaceful environment with guaranteed privacy and confidentiality.

Our expeditious, cost-effective and party-controlled techniques guarantee consumer satisfaction resulting from the voluntary and jointly generated win-win outcomes. We provide the best alternative to the all-familiar costly, time-consuming, adversarial and often emotive court litigation that only works to weaken and ultimately destroy marital and family relations.

Our founder and managing consultant, Dr. K. I. Laibuta,  is a chartered arbitrator and mediator. He has a wealth of professional experience spanning three decades in legal practice with more than two decades of practical experience in alternative dispute resolution. Dr. Laibuta is a skilled independent, fair and impartial conflict manager and dispute resolver, who greatly values the parties’ right to equality of opportunity to freely tell their hidden stories and express their deep-seated feelings without fear or reservation. He facilitates joint resolution of disputes in friendly, informal and voluntary mediation sessions in a non-judgmental manner that ensures unqualified respect and personal dignity of each mate, which in turn guarantees trust and confidence in each other.


Premier ADR Consultants subscribe to the immutable principle that “No Conflict or Dispute is Intractable”.

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